> 小学生作文 > The English alphabet(A: what A?A, the mys)

The English alphabet(A: what A?A, the mys)

A: what A?A, the mystery of the pyramid.

B B?B, happiness of pregnant women.

C C?C, the bright moon,

D D?D, convex convex beer belly,

E E?E, huge two cabinet,

F F?The key of F, universal,

G G?G, is going to grow up the bean sprouts,

H H?H, solid wooden bridge,

I what I?I, the cold ice cream,

J J?J, curved hook,

K K?The king of K, serious,

What L L?L, elegant book clip,

M M?M, McDonald's fast food,

N, N?N, lightning quick,

O O?O, round ball,

P P?P, spacious parking lot,

Q Q?Q, gracious queen,

What R R?R, bright red,

What S S?S, long python,

T T?T, fancy shirt.

What U U?U, unfriendly craters,

V V?V, glorious victory,

W W?W, smooth ass,

X X?X, the wrong fork fork,

Y Y?Y, fork of the road in life,

Z Z?Z, comfortable bed.

English letters makes me think of a lot of things!Good magical and wonderful.

The English alphabet(A: what A?A, the mys):等您坐沙发呢!

